Best Podcast Programs For Mac

There are many options for macOS podcast recording software and there really isn’t a “best” although there are programs that are more tailored to recording and editing spoken-word audio.

Best Podcast App For Mac

I have been using my iPhones (from the original to my newest iPhone 4 model) to record audio podcasts (and, with the iPhone 4, video podcasts) for quite some time. However, I have a feeling I might be able to reduce my workflow.

Right now, I use Apple's built in voice memos app, then email or sync that file over to my computer (M4A), drag it into GarageBand, and simply place an intro and outtro on either end. Is there some app that allows simple podcast production, to the point where I could simply record the intro and outtro as two clips, store them in an library, then each time I record a podcast, stick the intro and outtro on the ends of my newly-recorded clip, and send that to my Mac? Auto-conversion to an MP3 would be icing on the cake. Mobile Podcaster I've been podcasting on my iPad and iPhone for over a year. I do not require intros and outros like you but I've got a great system that's extremely streamlined if you don't need to edit and just want something that has great quality and is extremely efficient. My goal was to create a system that allows me to record unlimited audio on my iPad or iPhone, hit upload and have it automatically show up in iTunes without doing anything else. I've achieved this with my Mobile Podcaster system.


Feel free to check it out - I'd love your feedback!

Blue Yeti microphone in front of a Mac recording in Adobe Audition Here's one we prepared earlier: AppleInsider has a podcast that you can, and via any podcast app you could name. We're not going to go behind the scenes of it, The Making of AppleInsider Podcast, but producing ours takes precisely the same steps you need for your own one. We've had to make the same software and hardware choices you face. And we are continually trying new techniques to make a podcast that's better and better both technically and editorially. Here's an overview of what to think about, what issues to consider, and what software plus hardware to use. First decisions Before you look at the right microphone or even think about what you're going to say, spend some time on whether you should be saying anything at all.

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